On Line Search for Index-Card stock A3


  • Customs service to 'arrival of Italian and foreign ships in port in Naples and Salerno;
  • Customs assistance for the 'execution of procedures and formalities for ships at the Customs, Port Authority, the Guardia di Finanza, Consulates, the Maritime Authority, the Border Police;
  • Support for unloading / loading of equipment and aircraft stores for container and passenger ships;
  • Advice and assistance for practices related to the naval property;
  • Conclusion enlistment contracts for foreign and Italian seafarers, for boarding of ships in Italian ports and abroad;
  • Support for the issuing of permits for the loading, unloading, transit of dangerous goods as required by international regulations IMO;

  • Customs operations of Export, Import and Transit;
  • Release of fumigation certificates;
  • of Community transit operations;
  • Certification Sanitary, Veterinary, CITES, Phytosanitary;
  • Insurance cover goods in the name and on behalf of customers;
  • Mud consular formalities;
  • Luggage VAT;
  • Interventions at the Ministries and Community competent authority;
  • Agricultural products: import / export licenses and export refunds;
  • Electronic transmission - EDI;
  • Issuance of lading;
  • Requests ministerial licenses;
  • Compliance INTRASTAT;
  • Noli Sea.
  • Choice of the best airlines.
  • Withdrawal goods at customer.
  • Airport Transportation.
  • Customs Operation of export and import.
  • Any formalities for issuing security clearance (Plant Protection, Medical Office etc.).
  • Positioning and transport containers.
  • Exceptional transport.
  • The customs consultancy is one of the most complex industry activities related to shipments. To assure our clients a top quality service our company has established strict update training policies; This allows us to guarantee an always correct and precise work in the performance of customs and customs and legal aid practices in case of any customs litigation. Our team of experts is in support of economic operators across the stage of commercial negotiation, consulting and litigation. On a purely indicative and not exhaustive:
  • Drafting of commercial contracts (Framework Agreement);
  • Choosing the most suitable method of shipment (Incoterms);
  • Drafting, receipt, verification and approval letters of credit;
  • economic and administrative bans;
  • customer Representation against several corporations, both in Italy and abroad (embassies, consulates, chambers of commerce for preferential origin declarations and so on);
  • preferential contacts with renowned studies of civil lawyers and maritime lawyers;
  • client representation in all levels of courts before tax commissions;

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